The Investiture Ceremony at Mahinda College

The new generation approaches a school ready to take on the challenge with great zeal. As the newly appointed leaders of the school grow into their roles, so too does the students’ vision of what the school can become. The pinnacle of Head Board leadership, and student leadership in general, is the investiture ceremony. This is a day where students who have been entrusted with a heavy, almost paradoxical, amount of responsiblity. Clearly, the ceremony is formal in style, where the principal, teachers, students, and selected guests are present to witness the handing out of badges and sashes, symbols of their newly acquired authority. Each student of this small group takes the solemn Pledge of Allegiance and accepts the rules and responsibilities of commitment, trust, and integrity. More than just an avenue for students to showcase their natural leadership abilities and ambitious tendencies, this ceremony is serves to instill a sense of hope and responsibility in the future leaders of the world.

May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'CONGRATULATIONS To the Newly Appointed Headboard of Mahinda College 2025 StudentCounsellor Student Counsellor SHYAMALAMODYA SHYAMAL AMODYA Deputy Head Prefect RASHVI HEWAGE Deputy Head Prefect SAVITHUNETHMIRA SAVITHU NETHMIRA Senior SeniorDeputyHeadPrefect Deputy Head Prefect RYAN JAYASOORIYA Head Prefect DISNUJAI PINIDIYA PINIDIYAARACHCHI ARACHCHI'
The new Head Prefect, Disnuja Pinidiya Arachchi, receiving his badge from the Principal.
Past head prefect and renowned journalist, Ramesh Warallegama addressing the audience
The newly appointed board of prefects for the year of 2025.